Psam 18:33 "He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze."
by Pamela Moton

Thank God for His divine equipping. He never promised an easy path, but He assured us of His presence and that He could use all things for good in our lives. As we look back at the things we have faced over the years, we can see how God has developed in us a strength of character we wouldn't have had without trusting Him through the tests and troubles. Each crisis we have endured has prepared us for the next and has helped us stand more firmly in our relationship with Him. Thank God for teaching us how to be surefooted in the midst of trials. He keeps us balanced in His love, and His steady hand holds us securely as we climb higher and higher on the rocky, slippery trails. Lets be grateful for our hinds' feet and praise God for meeting us in high places. Read Psalm 18:33. Love you.