Matthew 16:15-17 You are the Christ, the son of the living God
by Pamela Moton

"Who do you think I am?" What a question that is, Jesus! Here's WHO we know You are: lover of our souls, giver of life, blesser of each day, beautiful Savior, eternal God, Immanuel - God with us, prince of peace, friend, blessed redeemer, living Word, almighty God, alpha and omega, name above all names, truth, the way, light, good shepherd, bread of life, the gate, the vine, pardon for sinners, healer, author of salvation, hope for the nation, I AM. Here's WHAT we know You are: faithful, trustworthy, compassionate, merciful, glorious, awesome, amazing, indescribable, worthy to be praised, our song. Jesus, we love you for who you are, we love you for what you are, and we love you for all the inexpressible reasons in our hearts. Read Matthew 16:15-17. Love you.