Isaiah 43:13 "Yes, and from ancient days, I am He. No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act, who can reverse it?”
by Pamela Moton

How grateful we should be that God is our God. Let's worship Him because He has always been and will always be God. There's never been a time when He was not God. Let's praise Him for never changing and for being I AM. No matter what the world's distinguished professors, celebrated scientists, famous Hollywood stars, or Illustrious leaders say or do to prove otherwise, God will always exist. He will always reign. He will always be in control. He will always direct the course of world affairs. He will always love. He will always keep His promises. He will always be true. He will always have a plan. He will always deserve all honor and glory and praise. May He always be on the throne of our hearts. God, we love you. Read Isaiah 43:13. Love you.