Hebrews 4:12 "For the word of God is alive. Sharper than any double-edged sword."
by Pamela Moton

Let's praise our loving Father, for being a relational God and for communicating with us in intimate ways. As our spirits connect on the pages of Scripture, we should be aware of how well He knows us and what we need to hear. Although they were written many years ago to a different people in a different place, His words impact us deeply right now. They encourage, convict, challenge, and guide. God's words are like raindrops. They water the weary, parched places of our souls and saturate our minds with truth. They give us life and vitality. They help us grow in grace and knowledge of Him. And they strengthen our hearts with reminders of His power, presence, and purpose. His words are alive, effective, fresh, and new for each day. Let's be grateful for the gift of His words. They have transformed our lives. Read Hebrews 4:12. Love you.